How well do you know your significant other?
Are you and your spouse transparent enough to disclose even the darkest secrets in the closet? Would you trust him or her with your money? What about naming your special someone as a beneficiary to your life insurance policy?
When relationships get ‘complicated’ experts are advising subjecting your sweetheart to a background check.
How well do you know your significant other? Would you trust him or her with your money? How about naming that special someone as a beneficiary on your life insurance policy?
“In business, we often do what we call due diligence. And that is, just being prudent about understanding who it is that you’re doing your business with,” said Chris Marquet, president of investigative services at SunBlock Systems, a Reston, Virginia, consulting firm. “The same really should be true in your relationships.”
At PALL we offer a variety of background checks designed for spouses. In reality, both husband and wife should agree on a background check, and if not you should have reason to suspect something bad might be going on.
Whether agreed to or not, PALL can provide you with a comprehensive background check on your significant other that includes reputation, criminal and civil both federally, state and county level.
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